Accommodation in Alytus region
Ežero g. 12, Dvarčėnų kaimas, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Daugai lake
- from 120 to 150 € per holiday hut
- 70 - 100 € per holiday hut
Alytus region
Lake Sausvingis lake - 50 m, Lake Ilgis lake - 600 m, Lake Alove lake - 4.5 km
- from 80 to 140 € per holiday hut
- 80 - 140 € per holiday hut
Ežero g. 11, Dvarčėnų k., Alytus region
Lake Daugai lake
- from 150 to 250 € per room
- 150 - 250 € per room
Statkiškių g. 9, Statkiškių k., Alytus region
Pond, Lake Ziezmuo lake - 1050 m, Lake Ilgis lake - 1500 m
- from 80 to 200 € per apartament
- 80 - 175 € per apartament
Slėnio g. 27, Uosos k., Prienų r.
Pond, River Nemunas - 800 m
- from 250 to 300 € per house
- 200 - 250 € per house
Ežero g. 42, Dvarčėnų k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
Lake Didžiulis lake - 10 m
- from 120 € per apartament
Dvaro g. 1A, Pavardaunys
On the shore of the lake Pavardaunio pond , River Merkys
- from 500 to 999 € per homestead
- 400 - 800 € per homestead
Smališkės k., Alytaus r.
Lake Stirtos lake - 100 m
- from 200 to 350 € per holiday hut
- 200 - 300 € per holiday hut
Ežerų g. 1, Galintėnų k. , Alytus region
Lake Gailintas lake - 100 m
- from 150 to 400 € per homestead
- 100 - 300 € per homestead
Ežerų g. 3, Galintėnų k., Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Gailintas lake
- from 110 to 250 € per holiday hut
- 110 - 250 € per holiday hut
Skroblų g. 20, Krikštonių k., Lazdijai region
Pond, Lake Dunojus lake - 900 m, River Nemunas - 2000 m
- from 300 to 370 € per homestead
- 300 - 370 € per homestead
Gardino g. 22, Meškasalio k., Alovės sen., LT-64121, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Ilgis lake
- from 70 to 140 € per holiday hut
- 70 - 140 € per holiday hut
Nemunas (Lazdijų rajonas – Druskininkai – Kaunas – Rusnė)
River Nemunas
- from 60 to 90 € per room
- 60 - 90 € per room
Sausvingio g. 4, 64120 Ilgai, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Ilgis lake
- from 400 to 500 € per homestead
- 400 - 500 € per homestead
Margirio g. 3, Punios kaimas, Alytus region
River Nemunas - 2000 m
- from 60 to 180 € per holiday hut
- 60 - 120 € per holiday hut
Ežero g. Dvarčėnų k., Alytus region
Lake Daugai lake - 50 m
- from 250 to 300 € per house
- 250 - 300 € per house
Suvingio g. 5 Dvarčėnų k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
Lake Suvingis
- from 60 to 100 € per townhouse
- 50 - 80 € per townhouse
Alovės k., Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Alove lake
- from 80 to 200 € per holiday hut
- 50 - 150 € per holiday hut
Piliakalnio g. 18, Piliakalnio k., Raitininkų sen., LT-64191, Alytus region
Lake Gailintas lake - 100 m
- from 50 to 100 € per holiday hut
- 50 - 100 € per holiday hut
Vytauto G. 18, Rimenų k., Daugų sen. , Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Suvingis
- 100 € per holiday hut
- 100 € per holiday hut
Trakų kel. 35, Skraičionių k. , Alytus region
Lake Ezerelis lake - 100 m, Lake Nasas lake - 4.6 km
- from 500 to 1200 € per homestead
Ežero g. 15, Atesnininkų k., Alytus region
Lake Lake Atesys
- from 20 € per person
- from 20 € per person
Suvingio g. 9A, Dvarčėnų k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
Lake Suvingis
- from 100 to 150 € per holiday hut
- 100 - 120 € per holiday hut
Alkakalnio g. 5, Doškonių k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
Lake Didžiulis lake
- from 120 to 160 € per holiday hut
- 80 - 120 € per holiday hut
Beržų g.18, Buckūnų k., Lazdijai region
Lake Meteliai lake - 2000 m, Lake Dusia lake - 2000 m
- from 200 to 300 € per holiday hut
- 200 - 300 € per holiday hut
Suvingio 3 a, Dvarčėnai, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Suvingis
- from 120 to 700 € per house
- 70 - 600 € per house
Sodų g. 14, Vaisodžiai, Alytus region
- from 275 to 325 € per homestead
Aušros g. 2, Radžiūnų k., Alytus region
- from 100 € per homestead
- from 100 € per homestead
Ežero g. 2, Seimeniškių k., Miroslavo sen. , Alytus region
Pond - 50 m, Lake Obelija lake - 2.5 km
- from 290 € per homestead
- from 250 € per homestead
Vytauto g. 16, Karliškių k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Suvingis
- from 20 to 30 € per place for a tent
- 10 - 20 € per place for a tent
Kaštonų g. 117 , Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Dusia lake , Lake Meteliai lake - 4 km
- from 180 to 350 € per house
- 180 - 350 € per house
Veisiejų apžvalgos bokštas, Alytus region
Lake Snaigynas lake
- from 7 to 10 € per person
- 7 - 10 € per person
Daugų g. 2, Davainiškių km. , Alytus region
Lake Ilgis lake
- from 50 to 110 € per room
- 50 - 110 € per room
Radžiūnų k. 47, Alytus region
- from 50 € per homestead
- from 50 € per homestead
Piliakalnio k. 12, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Gailintas lake
- from 10 € per person
- from 10 € per person
Ežero g. 44B, Dvarčėnai, Alytus region
Lake Didžiulis lake
- from 100 to 150 € per complex
- 100 - 150 € per complex
Ežero g. 40, Dvarčėnų k., Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Daugai lake , Lake Didžiulis lake - 10 m
- from 100 to 120 € per holiday hut
Mikalavo g. 13, Mikalavo k., Alytus region
- from 15 € per room
- from 15 € per room
Tilto g. 2, Alytus
River Nemunas
- from 20 to 50 € per room
- 20 - 50 € per room
Staigūnų kaimas, Šventežerio sen, Lazdijų r., LT 67201, Lietuva, Alytus region
Lake Dusia lake - 50 m
- from 100 to 140 € per house
Sausvingio g. 4, 64120 Ilgų km., Alytus region
Lake Ilgis lake
- from 400 to 500 € per homestead
Daugų 71, Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Ilgis lake
- from 60 to 190 € per complex
Vytauto g. 4a, Karliškių k., Alytus region
- from 100 to 140 € per holiday hut
- 80 - 100 € per holiday hut
Švendubrės kaimas, Vieciūnų seniūnija, Druskininkų savivaldybė, Druskininkai
- from 5 to 20 € per place for a tent
- 5 - 20 € per place for a tent
Užukalnių k., Pivašiūnų sen., Alytus region
- from 170 to 250 € per homestead
Stračiūnai, Alytus region
- from 80 to 320 € per holiday hut
- 60 - 220 € per holiday hut
Praniūnų g. 5, Praniūnai, Alytus, Alytus region
River Nemunas
Alkakalnio g. 23, Doškonių km., Alytus region
Lake Daugai lake
- from 50 to 100 € per room
- 50 - 100 € per room
Draugystės kel. 26, Tabalenkos k. , Alytus region
Lake Raiziu pond - 3 km
negotiable priceSodžiaus g. 2, Nemunaitis, Alytus region
River Nemunas
- from 500 € per homestead
- from 400 € per homestead
Vytauto g. 5, Raižių k., Punios sen., Alytus region
- from 230 to 1000 € per homestead
- 230 - 1000 € per homestead
Navickų g. 51, Navickų km., Alytus region
River Nemunas
- from 100 to 250 € per homestead
- 100 - 250 € per homestead
Maironio g. 119, Salos k., Daugų sen., Alytus region
Lake Didžiulis lake
- 15 to 65 € per holiday hut
Pavasario g. 11, Užubaliai, Alytus region
- 400 € per complex
Daugų seniūnija,Atžalyno Kaimas 1, Alytus region
Misko g. 24, Pivašiūnų k. , Alytus region
Lake Ilgis lake - 35 m
- from 175 to 300 € per house
- 175 - 300 € per house
Nemuno g. 12, Tolkūnų k., Alytus region
Pond, River Nemunas - 3000 m
- from 15 to 17 € per apartament
- 13 - 17 € per apartament
Varėnės gatvė, Vėžionys, Alytus region
- from 10 to 50 € per place for a tent
- 10 - 40 € per place for a tent
Lydekinkos 1, Piliakalnio kaimas, Alytus region
Lake Gailintas lake
Sudvajų g.1, Sudvajų km., Alytus region
River Nemunas
- from 14 to 50 € per person
- 14 - 50 € per person
Nemuno g. 15 A, Nemunaitis, Alytus region
River Nemunas
- from 10 € per person
- from 10 € per person
Gailento g. 6, Galintėnų k., Raitininkų sen., Alytus region
On the shore of the lake Gailintas lake , Pond
- from 15 to 25 € per person
- 15 - 25 € per person
Žalioji g. 7, Einorai, Alytus region
- from 250 to 500 € per homestead
- 250 - 500 € per homestead
Kęstučio g. 42A, Seirijai, Alytus region
Lake Seirijis lake
- from 450 to 1000 € per homestead
- 450 - 1000 € per homestead
Paplentės g. 60, Talokių km., Alytus region
Lake Talokiu lake - 400 m, Lake Akis lake - 700 m, Lake Norunu ezerelis lake - 3 km, River Nemunas - 4500 m
- from 250 to 400 € per homestead
- 250 - 400 € per homestead
Daugų seniūnija,Atžalyno Kaimas 1, Alytus region
Klepočių g. 2, Druskininkų k., Alytus region
Lake Galvinis lake - 90 m
- from 20 to 65 € per room
- 20 - 75 € per room
Plentos k. 2, Alytus region
- from 400 € per homestead
- from 400 € per homestead
Vytauto g., Druskininkai, Alytus region
- from 90 to 120 € per apartament
- 80 - 100 € per apartament
Dusmenų g. 27a, , Alytus region
Lake Svetus lake - 70 m, Pond, Lake Niedulis lake - 1300 m
negotiable priceKaštonų g. 115, Metelytės k., Alytus region
Lake Dusia lake
- from 10 € per person
- from 10 € per person
Frequently asked questions about vacation in Alytus region
Which homesteads and vacation places have the best prices in Alytus region?
These homesteads and vacation places offer the best prices in Alytus region:
What are the best homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region?
Vacationers often choose these homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region:
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What homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region are located on the shore of the lake?
Choose one of the accommodation place in Alytus region on the shore of the lake:
Which homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region currently offer promotions, discounts?
These homesteads and vacation places offer promotions, discounts, special offers:
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What are some of the best homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region for families with children?
Choose one of the best accommodation place in Alytus region suitable for families with children:
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Which homesteads in Alytus region are suitable for feasts, seminars, events?
These homesteads and other places in Alytus region are suitable for feasts, seminars and other events:
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Which homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region offer sauna, jacuzzi?
These homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region have a sauna:
More homesteads and vacation places with saunas – Click here
Which homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region offer hot tub?
These homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region have a hot tub:
More homesteads and vacation places with hot tub – Click here
Which homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region offer jacuzzi?
These homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region have a jacuzzi:
More homesteads and vacation places with jacuzzi – Click here
What are some of the best homesteads and vacation places with SPA facilities in Alytus region?
These homesteads and vacation places with SPA facilities are the best in Alytus region:
Click here for more homesteads and vacation places with SPA facilities.
Which homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region have swimming pools?
Some of the best homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region with swimming pools for your choice:
More homesteads and vacation places with swimming pools – Click here
What homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region are pet-friendly?
Choose accommodation place in Alytus region, that accept guests with pets:
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What homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region are offered for short-term rental?
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What are some of the best homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region for long-term rental?
These accommodation place in Alytus region offer long-term rental:
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What homesteads and vacation places in Alytus region are open ?
Choose accommodation place in Alytus region, that are open :
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